Forward! Onwards and Forwards!
The Kickstarter has been running for a few days now, so what has happened in the meantime?
We reached the funding target of 100,000 quite quickly and are currently at just under 163,000. As you can tell from the award on the right, Kickstarter likes our campaign as well.
In addition, a whole series of timed releases have been unlocked:
- Starting Advantage Cards
- New Water Area Tiles
- New Action Cards
- Oni Overview Sheets
- New Event Cards
- New Swampland Area Tiles
- …

Brett & Pad has translated its series of articles about Tsukuyumi into English. If you don’t know the article series yet, you can read it here (in German & English): Brett & Pad – Series of articles about Tsukuyumi
A few videos about Tsukuyumi have also been published recently. Some of them by us, which you can find on our Youtube channel: King Racoon Videos Other videos have been published by reviewers, news channels, etc. We have compiled a selection of them for you:
- Tsukuyumi-Review EZBoardGames
- ShelfClutter – Quick Overview
- Beastie Geeks – Preview
- The Hungry Gamer Review